I had my post underway here earlier and the kids informed me that there was a knock on the door. Down the hall I went and I could see the bright orange shirt of the parcel delivery guy.. which is always exciting, don't ya think?? I signed for the parcel and brought it inside, and you would think it was already Christmas morning! lol See, 11 days ago Lakeshore Learning had a pretty decent sale. It was spend $1oo and get $25 off. Oh I can spend that easy lol.
I'd waffled about ordering, and even checked their Aussie distributor, but the Aus prices were so ridiculously high (especially considering our exchange rate is awesome!) that I finally just decided to mentally apply that 25bucks to cover part of the postage to make myself feel better. I went with the 'cheap' shipping (using that term loosely lol) because the expensive/fast shipping was almost as much as the order was! It was supposed to take about 4 weeks, so I was shocked to have it in hand on the 11th day. Here's what we got:
A couple of 'Draw and write' journals, a bucket of fraction circles, a personal size dry erase board with lines, a dry erase cursive book, a set of rubber 'base 10' block stamps, a set of geobards, and a massive set of sandpaper 'sight words'.
Frodo & Sam were beside themselves... so much for school being basically over for the year LOL. Immediately they had to make circles & patterns with the fraction wedges, then the geobards had to be test driven. That was funny because what did Frodo do? He used the rubber bands to make '10 blocks' or 'unit's ala Math U see LOL.
Sam has been writing up a storm on his dry erase board and loving it. I forgot to grab a pic of the large magnetic learning clock, which has taken up residence on our fridge :) Frodo has been checking the digital clock, then going and positioning the hands on the learning clock, and writing the time at the bottom..all day. It's dry erase as well, which is awesome, and it seems very sturdy.. so hopefully Merry will not be able to tear the hands off it like he did the old one we had!
I can't wait to start doing a bit of journaling with them in their 'draw & write' journals. I think Frodo is at a good age to get him into writing about things, instead of just 'functional' writing. He's itching to get ahold of them.
I'm very happy with our purchases, and will definitely be back in the future... my wish list is substantial hehehe.