It had been driving me nuts for quite a while! And the boxes have cool grooves in them so tht the kids can totally ignore actually building the problems in them! Wow what an innovation eh? lol There hasn't been a huge amount of other 'schoolwork' done though, as there has been a bit of illness & drama in the house (as you may have read) and our school year is technically at an end. We're still doing a bit of reading on the Romans though, and plan to briefly look at the ancient Chinese and Aztecs as well, over our 'break'. We may also do the boys '5 Senses' lapbook for something to keep them busy, after the holidays anyway... they're keeping themselves busy by being worked into a frenzy about what Santa and the parents (who of course get credit for all the rockin cool stuff.. santa gets to do stockings and a few bits and bobs) might get them!
There was also a bit of this... we were looking for a particular park, didn't find it, but did find another little one. We stopped for a picnic lunch of something yummy from the bakery and a play. Nice little park, even if some local teens seem to have felt the need to forcibly remove the gate to the fence. I suppose you'll have a few bad kids no matter how posh the neighborhood, eh?
Dad took the intrepid explorers off down a walking path for a bit.. doesn't Frodo have the funniest determined look on his face? lol (you might have to enlarge it to see) Merry was clearly not ready to stop his exploration of the local scenery, and was quite adamant about not coming back. Sam, on the other hand, had already raced back to where I was. That boy has got boundless energy... wish I could figure out how to bottle it!
And off down the hill, was a view of the new lake. The park we discovered is in the nearby 'master planned' community... it's BRIMMING with neighborhood parks! We used to live in the original part of the suburb, but they have expanded greatly. It's a 'lakes' suburb, so of course this side had to have it's own lake. It's quite pretty, and I hope they leave it a little more natural than the other one (not that I dislike the other lake, with it's nice walking paths all the way around!)
The Teen (my 16yo, who is currently in the states) is really wanting to come live down here for a year or so and finish up school here. Partly for the experience, and partly to spend some time with his dear ole mum (at least I'd like to hope that is part of it LOL) and partly because chicks love an accent lol. I'm going to check the local school there that Frodo went to part of K in, and if they have upgraded to having a high school we might contemplate finding a house to rent there again. Oh how I'd LOVE to have all those parks within walking distance again!
Strider is currently on his way home from picking up a part for his work vehicle, and has informed me I am not allowed to look at the bank account site lol He has apparently been doing a little pressie buying for me. I sincerely hope he had the good sense to pull cash out, as I am quite nosy (I seem to remember one christmas where my brother and I slit the tape to most of our presents when the parents weren't home LOL) and WILL work it out if I can see where he shopped :D And being the greedy wench I am.. I txt'd him back that since he was there, sushi for luch would go over very very well hehehe. So, I think I'll go uncover the table from the current arty farty projects the kids have going, so that we can have a bite to eat shortly!