*posted today, because we will be away NYE staying with family*
Another year passes into history…
As 2009 leaves us, it’s time to start thinking ahead to what we want to manifest into our lives in the coming year as well as take one last look at the goings on of this year. It’s been a hard year, but not nearly as hard as 2008 was honestly ( my mom died that year, and then I came all too close to losing my oldest son as well). I can’t say that I’ll be sorry to see this year GONE all the same.
I have done all the looking back during these holidays, and am ready to look ahead now. I will not call these wishes for the coming year resolutions, because new years’ resolutions are made to be broken. But they are desires for myself & my family for the new year J (in bullet form, as I’m feeling lazy!) and posting them here is my way of making myself accountable!
* I am going to get back into menu planning so that we can eat healthier. We don’t
Eat horribly now, but DH & I could both lose a bit of weight for our health.
* I WILL start using our treadmill more regularly! I will be honest, I have not touched it since returning home from my vacation in August L
* I will get more serious with the budget so that we can save towards a deposit on a home of our own. To do so, I plan to cut out frivolous spending as much as possible. The kids will get birthday gifts, school supplies/curriculum, and clothing replaced as needed but not without planning it into the budget.
* I want to be debt free by the end of 2010, with the exception of a car payment. We are going to have to get a used 7 seater (thinking Honda Odyssey) as we are going to be adding another family member to the house if all goes well (NO, I am not pregnant! My 16yo wants to move here with us for a year or so J ) Our debt right now is one loan from MIL (given during the crisis this time last year), and one credit card (closed account), and DH’s van payment. Don’t think we’ll be able to pay the van off that quickly, so I think it will be an exception.
* I want my 16yo to be here with us, and am willing to save like a mad woman to make it happen.
* I want to feel more spiritually connected and active.
* I want to completely finish decluttering my house. Clutter and chaos in my home stresses me out and I hate it! We aren’t drowning in clutter… but there are a few areas for improvement.* I am going to revisit the idea of returning to school, and evaluate if it’s something that I’m ready to do just yet. A job as an RN would go a long way towards buying our own home and saving, but that’d be at least 2.5yrs away. And the kids might have to return to traditional school.. Not sure I’m ready to go there.
* I want to work out better coping mechanisms for dealing with Frodo’s behavioural issues. He seems to have trouble hearing/understanding things said to him, as well as has issues with hyperactivity/impulse control… my lack of ability to cope with these has come really close to making me want him away from me as much as possible lately… and I don’t like that at all L
* And, as much as I hate to say it, I want to move out of this rather awful neighborhood L It’s just not a very nice place (we do like the house though), and if the Teen comes to live, there is no way in Hades I will have him going to the school in this suburb. There are very few with worse reputations or graduation rates. So, I hope to manifest a great house in a nice suburb with decent schools nearby in 2010!
So, in the coming year you'll see more posts on decluttering, getting healthy, frugal finances and saving, and I'll share updates on all of the above as well, as the year goes on. And of course, the everyday, homeschooling and life with kids stuff isn't going anywere :)
I hope that you're all ringing in the new year with those you love best!
Good luck with all of your 2009 goals!!! It feels like it will be a good year to make big, positive changes.
Good luck with your goals!