
For a whole week!  That'd be the direct result of me actually trying to keep us on track with the routine I've set up for our school days!   Mondays are our gymnastics/art class days... every other Friday (this friday) are our extra curricular days with our DE group.  That leaves basically 3-4 days, depending on the week, for actual 'schoolwork'.    So we get busy on those days!  And often at the end of the day the LAST thing I want to think about is the day just finished lol.  

Today for example, (we're getting a late start as I slept in a bit ;) we're doing Math U See (both kids), Headsprout (Sam), Reading comprehension (Frodo), some reading on Ancient China AND starting our China history pocket, as well as putting together a Planets 'tab' book from Enchanted Learning.   Unfortunately it's on the members pages, so I can't link IT specifically.  But seriously, I can't say enough about EL... I find the best worksheets & such to supplement whatever we're studying on that site!   So it should be a fun, busy, day.  Oh and there will invariably be at least one snack and one lunch break... else Frodo may waste away to nothing ;)

I posted a while back about Homeschool Skedtrack, and while it was a cool program with lots of neat features... I guess I'm a pen and paper kinda girl ;)  I need to be able to see a week at a glance and KNOW what is on the plans for each day in that week.  I have swiped a nice, basic grid form from This site and am test driving it this week.  I've had to cross out /substitute some 'subject' headings but that's not a problem.  It's a 2page weekly spread with good sized blocks for being able to fit 'assignments' for both kids in there ... as long as I don't get TOO wordy!   So far I like it, I like having more space than typical 1page weekly planners give as well as being able to see it ALL at once.

In other news.. someone please turn off the faucet in the sky... at least for a little while?   I have fungi popping up all over my yard... so if I cease posting, I've probably wandered into a faerie ring  and been carried away for a nice long holiday with the fae  LOL.

2 Responses
  1. Kez Says:

    I love Enchanted Learning too - I don't use it as much as I used to, but it's nice to just know its there and I can find something if I want it.

  2. Anonymous Says:

    Aw, pshaw. As you can see, I've been pretty lazy about blogging. We just get wrapped up in other things, eh?