
Yesterday we had our weekly art & gymnastics classes, of which I have no pics as I forgot my camera.  The boys had a great time, but were a little bummed that the heat was just too much for us to hang around after class for more playground time!  I made it up to them with a snack of scones & jam in the car on the way home (enjoying the air conditioning lol) and then a swim when we got here.  

While they did that, I managed to crank out plans for the rest of the week.  I'm not super strict on making sure EVERYTHING gets done, but I like to have a general plan for where our week goes.  Today is dvd lessons in MUS for both, reading comprehension for Frodo & Headsprout for Sam, a bit of work on our ancient China history pocket, reading a book about the Sun, and a page of handwriting practice :D    Maybe LOL.  

This week I am thrilled to say that I do not have to leave the house again until SUNDAY if I really don't want to LOL.  It seems like the past 2-3weeks have just been wildly on the go for us and I'm just worn out!   So I may venture out Thursday to the green grocer to pick up fruit & veg... but that's it.  I forced myself to go to the library yesterday so that I didn't have to go later in the week ;)  

In other news,  we've tried Frodo reading more chapter style books recently and it seems that most of them were just not a hit.  We tried a little Beast Quest book, thinking it might be good to start with.. it was awful.  BORINNNG!  Septimus Heap is still a little ahead of where he is.  So last night we started him on one of OUR favourite series by David Eddings,  The Belgariad.  The books are about 200pgs each, but they are simply written with entertaining and engaging characters and MAPS!  We love maps in books hehehe.  He's starting off slowly, but in the beginning it's all about Garion (that's the main character) remembering his early life... very shortly the good stuff gets going..wizards, adventures, travels and lots of other excitement.  I hope he will enjoy them, they aren't 'fine literature' but they are good stories, that will help foster a love of reading we hope! 

Off to get a move on, it's supposed to be incredibly hot here today (again) so I'd like to get done by lunch so we can jump in the pool for a bit before the sun gets it ;)  

3 Responses
  1. Kylie Says:

    Thanks for the book idea, we are getting to that stage of finding suitable chapter books for B.

  2. Caz Says:

    Kylie, the name of the first book of the series is 'Pawn of Prophecy'. All in all there are 10books, so if Frodo likes them, he'll be reading them for a while lol. They have been my & dh's favourites for a long time.

  3. Kez Says:

    I'll check my husband's bookcase for those - he's an Eddings fan too.