
Because after MUCH oohing and ahhhing over their new bedroom, and talk of how excellent the bed was itself... I walked into their room around 9pm to discover that Frodo had climbed down from the top bunk and was sleeping soundly next to Sam.    

See, for about 2yrs now they have shared the same twin bed, by choice, despite having a 2nd twin bed in the room as well.   Eventually we gave up on the 2nd bed, and dissassembled it for the extra play space ;)  We even put a queen sized bed in their room at one point, but they didn't like th bigness of it and asked for their old bed back.  lol   

We rather thought that after all the bickering and such after they went to bed, that maybe Frodo was just ready for some 'space' of his own.  I think he is, but as the post title says... old habits die hard!   Ah well.. they are rather cute sprawled across each other :)

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3 Responses
  1. Todd Says:

    They sound like cuties :)

  2. Hi! You'd won the Halloween tea ball from my day 16 giveaway. The lady who donated it just emailed me to say that she did not have your address.

    After I send them off, I delete all the addresses, just for privacy sake. I'm not sure if I'd sent it to her, or if I just never got it, lol (or I lost it in the shuffle!!).

    Can you send it to me again, through the contact link at the top of my blog?


  3. Caz Says:

    Oh my! No idea how I missed that I'd WON something!! And it was so cute too :D Just sent my info off to you, that made my tired, achy day m'dear. Thank you!