I grew up in the states, and Halloween was only beat out as my fave holiday by Christmas by the teeniest of margins. And that was BEFORE I became pagan in my 20s… after that my love for Halloween/Samhain overtook Christmas almost immediately. Samhain is the 31st of October in the northern hemisphere, where I became pagan and set my internal sabbat clock apparently, because no matter that I’ve been here nine years in Australia, or that it’s hot as Hades outside by the end of October… it will always be Halloween/Samhain in my heart!
Samhain (pronounced Sow-in for the non pagan readers hanging around ) is all about honouring those who have gone before us, remembering the special and honoured dead and keeping their memories alive. Although it seems like it’s centred on death, it is really a beautiful holiday. Every year I look forward to having our dumb supper, which is a meal eaten in silence with a plate set for special people who have died (I try to do absolute favourites, for my momma I make her mothers fried chicken recipe… although it will never be as good as Mema’s! and she gets a glass of white wine) For hubbys’ Pa, it’s sweets, as he was diabetic and couldn’t have them. But oh how he loved them! For us, we have my thai pumpkin soup usually (although I made a pumpkin and sweet corn soup recently that might overtake!)
For the more secular side of the occasion, we decorate a bit around the house, pumpkins & cauldrons and witches abound. And there might be skeletons lurking in closets, and ghosts drifting about! I’ll try to come up with fun costumes for the boys, and we’ll all head over to the bay where they have a Halloween street party that’s quite impressive. The children get to ‘trick or treat’ the shops and vendors, there’s a spooooky parade even. I’m like a great big kid, I can’t wait!
On the home schooling front, there will also be plenty of Halloweeny goodness! I have a Halloween & pumpkin lapbook planned (I would link it, but I went to the site & it appears to be gone now.. If I can locate the mama that created it, I’ll try to share it) and assorted Halloween themed worksheets (the kids love ‘em), and crafts throughout the month. Unfortunately this just passes on my rather schizophrenic brand of paganism to the kids, but sorry, can’t pass up Halloween!)
Technically, it’s coming on Beltane here, and seasonally you can’t miss that! The earth is alive, my veggie patch is starting to bear fruit and even in the coolest parts of Australia, mother earth is waking from her slumber getting about the business of Springtime!
We will do a bit to honour Beltane, I’ll set up a separate altar to herald the coming of summer (which I will then bemoan a month later lol). I wish there was to be Maypole dancing, but alas we are solitary pagans so none of that. Otherwise Beltane isn’t a holiday I’ve ever gone all out for, despite it being labelled a ‘high’ holiday! So we’ll probably have a nice summery bbq, deck out an altar somewhere with flowers and summery cheer and call it done. Well…aside from the most traditional way two adults celebrate Beltane… but that’s not for a public blog ;)
Oh my gosh, Samhain and Beltane simultaneously? That's so cool! We're also delving into Samhain and Halloween here, in our homeschooling. It makes the perfect social studies class this month! And art class too. ;)