In less than two days this will be me jet setting around the world :) The packing has begun, and dh and the boys will be dropping me off at the airport Tuesday morning. I believe their agenda after dropping me off includes taking Merry to kindy and then going bowling. Frodo has never been before and thinks it looks 'cool'... fun maybe, but cool is not something bowling has ever really qualified as lol. I also imagine there will be plenty of time hangin out in pj's and watching cartoons while I'm away.
DH requested a 'plan' for schoolwork while I'm away so I typed up a brief list of things he can do with the kids. I'm gone for two weeks, but the second week of that DH is back to work and the whole crew is staying with his parents so mother in law can take care of the boys. She'll have them busy as bee's the whole time, so I'm really only doing about a weeks worth of 'work' for him. Mostly it's things like headsprout, math games & a couple of Frodo's History Odyssey reading/activities. Pretty laid back stuff really. Frodo also is interested in cursive writing, completely out of the blue, so I've downloaded the States' preferred font for him to test drive. I think it's ugly so we'll probably ditch it though ;) I don't know how much DH will get done with them.. but I do know it's much harder to plan out what I do for someone who has no idea WHAT I do, much harder than it is to plan for me.
If you made it through that last sentence and your eyes aren't tied in knots, congratulations lol. I'll be back around August 15th, see you then!
Safe and happy trip wishes to you!