This gentleman was a miner in the 1800's. He was American and had come over to Australia to work the gold fields in Victoria with his business partner after California got too chaotic. He pulled off a reasonable American accent even.
This man was an Irish merchant just trying to make a living with his shop here in 'the colonies'. The ladies with him are his neice and a customer being helped into a nice new outfit (both volunteers! from our audience) Was funny, whenever a new character appeared he asked if they were married, because of course he was responsible for finding his neice a good husband!
The youngsters on the left have been nabbed by the local constable. It appears they did not have their miners' license to present to him upon request! Those are real cuffs from about 1850 give or take!
On the left& below, are Frodo & Sam having a go at a typical dance of the time... it was rather like a line/square dance. They had quite a good time with it and even got us olds' involved lol.
And last, but not least, the younger students adjourned outside and had a fun time playing some games that kids back then would have played. They played tug of war and collapsed into a giggling heap at the end. Then they played a chasing game called 'wooly wooly wolf' which involved (as I'm sure you could guess) sheep & wolves ;) Nice way to round up the day, by wearing them out so that mums' get a nice, reasonably quiet drive home!