
On Sunday we went out for an afternoon drive.  We haven't really done that much in the few years so it was nice to be out without a particular destination.  We took the highway out of town (which quickly turns into a 2 lane road) and meandered towards the mountains.  We didn't actually go TO them though... 3 small boys + mountain pass road = fail!  We wandered through a neat little country 'town' of about 600 people, met some very amusing cows who were quite social as long as we didn't get TOO close, and found a quaint little roadside shop selling fudge, hand made jewelry and handmade fancy soaps, plus coffee.  Although I suspect if you hung out for a chat and bought a piece of fudge, you'd score a cuppa for free ;)    

It's a good thing we went Sunday... because Monday was overcast, and that night is when the skies opened up.  And boy did they.  It started raining Monday night I believe.. and didn't stop until Wednesday night.   Although it really hasn't *stopped*.. more slacked off for a breather,  it's drizzling out there now.   There's more to come over the next day or two it appears :(    Most of South East Queensland is a total disaster, even our little backyard was a lake.  Hubby rang me from the city ... businesses are underwater, main roads are flooded, cars are floating at dealerships.  Just ick.   Here are a few photos of the local area (pulled from news sites, because no way am *I* venturing out into that muck to get pics myself :P) 

This is the Brisbane river eating a local jetty/dock.   The photos below are from L to R:  a submerged car in  a suburb near us, the city business district where my dearest is working right now, and an intersection in our suburb (about 3km away from us).  So as you can see from all that.. I am SO staying put at home, and I do believe Merry will miss his first day of Kindy tomorrow since more rain and possible flooding is being predicted.


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