It's been a bit of an 'off' week for us this week.  DH worked Monday & Tuesday, but ended up with the rest of the week off (not happy about it!  No workies = no pay!) and Frodo has a horrible time focusing when it isn't just the two of us.  

Monday we had his group classes, which went fabulously!  The home school group organizes these classes three out of four terms of the year, and Frodo is in Art, Science with Dr.Joe, and Intro French with the lovely grandmother of one of the group members.  She's a native speaker so it's a really nice opportunity for him to learn from her.  I took a couple of years of French over 20yrs ago in high school, and I find myself remembering a lot of it so that I can practice with him! 

Aside from classes, our big excitement for the week is our photo journaling class at Playful Learning!  It's an e-course that we're enjoying a lot so far.  This weeks' activity is names in photographs... so I won't be able to share Frodo's as he is using his real first name for his project.  I will share MY finished project though, as I don't care since you yahoo's already know my real name lol!   I'll share some of his later projects though!

We had to go out taking photos of the letters of our name to use in our project... conveniently, one of Frodo's letters was found in the Puckles family bake house lol.  So we shared an eclair, with REAL cream (none of this mock cream business tyvm!) Good thing we shared it, as it would have made either of us sick if we'd have tried to eat the whole thing on our own!

We jumped ahead in History Odyssey so that we could study the Ancient Greeks along with the Olympics (GO Aussies!) We managed to get a few lessons worth of it done this week, along with some extra reading.  He & hubby spent the better part of a morning watching Horrible Histories on dvd... omg there was MUCH laughter!  And I was stoked with how much Frodo remembered from some of the Horrible Histories books he has read.

I also got my reporting packet from the Home Education Unit this week... EEK!!!!  It's not due until November, but still @@.    So, a-sample gathering I will go!

*totally not a typical week for us!

3 Responses
  1. Kez Says:

    That journaling class sounds fun.

    Sounds like a good, non-typical week :)

  2. momto5 Says:

    i have noticed things get a little whacky when daddy is home as well. seems like everyone thinks it is a holiday. LOL

  3. Caz Says:

    Kez, the photo journaling is pretty cool :) The lady that runs it is fabulous, AND you can do it at your own pace... the links to the videos and the posting site remain available to us as long as we want them! AND she gave the home school group a sweet discount ;)

    Momto5...oh gods does it what!? Unfortunately, dh's bosses were doing a shonky and he no longer has a job... so he'll be home a little longer while he looks for other employment. May the universe send me strength to stay sane lol