So I finally took a few minutes to go searching for a new one. I found THIS beauty and had to have it! Alas there was a problem with the site and it would not download! A scroll down the comments underneath showed it has been a problem for a while. SO, I managed to find it at another site and downloaded it! It required a fair bit of tweaking to fix all the widgets that were in all SORTS Of bizarre places, and the date was UNDEFINED... but once I sorted that out I was giddy lol.
Anyone who knows me, knows that I live for a nice posh coffee.. and if I am sitting at this laptop blogging, there is probably a cuppa riding shotgun on my left LOL. I have (almost) never met a coffee I didn't like, so this blog template is SO me that it's just not funny!
So, does anyone know if it stuffs up subscriptions/follows if you change the name of the blog ONLY in the header? I've been tossing around the idea of a new name for a little while now... not really settled on anything yet, but just not feeling this one anymore if you know what I mean? The new theme kinda begs for something caffienated, don't you think???
Nice :)
I'm pretty sure changing your blog title won't interfere with the feed - it should go by the URL.
Thanks Kez... I know there's a spot in the settings somewhere that if you change the name, it changes the url and wreaks havoc lol. I don't know how many ppl are still popping by, but I'd rather not lose track of the ones that do!