This last couple of weeks has been... unusual, to say the least. Our home & family is in the middle of a big change, which I'll share in it's own post... cause it's just that awesome. It's led to things being a wee bit scattered in the formal learning department though, and I've been busy with all manner of things and just haven't had a chance to post really.
Here are some pics of what we've been up to lately. Frodo has been drawing like a madman, he loves to draw anything related to his favourite video games... but the other day he was looking at the world map on the wall, and suddenly HAD to draw the Egyptian flag LOL. I was very impressed.

Here he is cranking out a portrait of Princess Peach from Mario fame. He gets really into the process, as you can see!
Merry has been avidly working on his scissor skills *eek* So scissors have to be up high (although, this morning early we heard him pushing furniture around to try to get them @@ lol). He loves to cut out figures of movies & games he likes... and the tinier the better!

At Our 2nd week of our homeschool coop for the term, the boys had their art, gymnastics and a 'mixed bag' class that went over really well. In art, Frodo did a little study of Vincent Van Gogh and made a reproduction of Starry Night. It turned out really good, but I neglected to get a photo yet.
Sam had sculpture this week, and he sculpted a very funny little fish! He, the fish that is, came home with us and will be painted tomorrow now that he is fnally dry. Frodo has a crab that he made in week 1, and he'll be getting a spot of colour as well.

The BIG hit of the week though, was the
Crazy Candles class! The children were given a wick and then had to hand dip their own candles using the pots of melted wax in various colours. They had to dip about 25 times in the base colour, and then 15 times in each additional colour layer.... with a quick dip in water to cool the freshly dipped wax between each dip. So it was a fair bit of work!
At the end of all that dipping, the gentleman that was facilitating the workshop let the kids choose what design they wanted and then carved it up for them. The knife was very sharp, and some of the designs pretty intricate, so it's probably a good thing he did the cutting!

Sam (and later Frodo as well) chose a very spiffy race car design for their candles. After they were carved, they got a couple of dips in clear wax to give them a shine, then a bit of a soak in a cooling bath so the kids could take them home.

Doesn't Sam look thrilled? These candle cars have been loaded up with lego man drivers and raced around plenty. We have a 2nd week of this craft toward the end of the term... Sam says he is making me a pretty one as a present next time.
Sounds like a blast with the wax. That is fun stuff. Very cool looking car at the end. Awesome job!