It's a particularly dreary looking day out, but I snapped a few pics when I checked my veggie pots to see if I needed to water :) Thought I'd share! A post or two back, there are pics of them from about 2.5wks ago to compare...
My silverbeet are looking glorious... just a couple of weeks ago (scroll down on that link) they were tiny things that couldn't even stand up by themselves! Now look at 'em go! You can see my 3 biggest tomato plants behind them (black russians) They are caged for support as they grow, but earlier in the week there was INSANE wind, so I had to stake them so they didn't lay down like lounge singers. Basil sneaking into the shot on the right ;)
Lettuce! These have gone just crazy, we've already cut and eaten some with several meals and they've only been planted for about 2 weeks. They're mixed varities of lettuce's and Asian salad greens.
More tomatoes! These guys are cherry tomatoes I believe. And my very happy spring onions back there :) DH sprinkled coffee grounds around the tomatoes, as I read that they like them, so we'll see how they go. We chose these 3 plants as they were lagging a bit behind the others.
Close up of the silverbeety goodness. A few more weeks and we'll be making my fave Cheesey baked Chard recipe (that I stole from a fellow blogger, here!) We don't do ours vegan, so I use regular cheese & milk... and it's to die for. Quite often DH & I will have that and a roll and call it dinner ;) You can bet when I put in my garden bed, silverbeet will feature prominently lol
AND last, but not least... the newest member of the Hobbit household *sigh*. THIS baby was my birthday present from my darling hubby & his parents... Isn't it beautiful??? lol It's gotten a fair bit of use and we're getting pretty good at making a nice coffee...Not consuming much instant, except when I was desperate Monday morning and had to race out to meet DH during his van catastrophe! And boy, it just was NOT the same!
I have lettuce in my garden and cant wait until it looks like yours! You have a GREAT container garden!!
Just lovely! I'm not sure what is more beautiful the plants or the coffee maker:)
Thanks ladies :D Sarah... I'm not sure either honestly hehehe.
OCR, that lettuce went in about 2 weeks ago (not from seed though, from pitiful little seedlings lol) so your's shouldn't be TOO far behind!
ahh that's the delightful coffee machine......make mine with one please.**big cheeky grin**
Certainly Kylie, froth or no? ;)
wow! thats quite the monstahh coffee makahhh!!