SO, we did what any self respecting homeschoolers would do.. shelved the books and headed outside! We spent pretty much the entire day hangin out in the back yard... the kids made a fort of their climber, stepping stones were hopped, tether tennis was whacked about and other fun was had :) I actually got to drink a coffee, while it was hot... because the boys were too busy running around in the sunshine to pester me ....err, ask me, for anything!
I read a bit of a gardening book, made a grocery list and menu for the week and watched the kids thoroughly enjoy themselves. It wasn't a day without learning, since obivously that's impossible ;) We caught 15minutes of a show about ice ages on tv.. and Frodo build a rockin cardboard box castle to go along with our Middle Ages studies.
Here's the boy hard at work constructing :) And with the finished product... demonstrating the drawbridge. Note the fancy woodwork around the entry ;)
And we talked about gardening. I'm getting ready to get stuff to plant and we talked about what THEY would like to grow and we walked the yard to find a good spot to put our prefab raised bed (and I am hoping the real estate agent doesn't lose the plot lol)
Merry found & picked up a rolly polly bug and thought that was grand.. and Frodo managed to catch a ladybug (ladybird) and put her on our basil plant as it's being snacked on by something.
And here is a photo from our weekend. It was my 2nd sons 17th birthday, and while he's in the US, we always make a cake to celebrate. The boys totally cheesed up the happy birthday singing here...
Tomorrow afternoon Nana is picking up the oldest two for a sleep over (Merry is gonna play hell about THAT!) and swim lessons, as sunday is Mothers day and no class. So the hubs & I will be having OUR favourite dish for dinner (cheesey baked chard NOM). The boys won't eat it, so we'll get to have it without complains ;) since Merry won't eat anything lol.
What I'm saying here is that I really WOULDN'T hold my breath on seeing a weekly wrap out of me in any kind of timely manner lol. Tomorrow night will be adult relaxing time.. Saturday working in the garden time :D and Sunday is family get together at a park for a Mother's Day picnic. So, nope.. not likely lol.
I think you should start your Mother's Day weekend on Friday and make it last :-)
Enjoy your weekend!
Thanks Kez, you too hun!
Todd.. totally :D That is the general plan. DH & I may even hit the garden centre saturday morning so I can do my favourite thing.. play with plants!