This will be short & sweet, because due to everyone being sick (and mum utterly sleep deprived) for the entire last week, sweet bugger all got done!
Math... I think both boys got one page of a Math U see lesson done, and they checked out our new subscription to Mathletics and Rainforest maths . Frodo is up to estimating and adding in the thousands and Sam just did adding doubles, 4+4, 5+5 =)
Language.. Our subscriptions to Reading Eggs also came through, so the boys both had a go at this. Even though it said they had levels for up to grade 3/4, I'm thinking it's a bit easy for Frodo. He enjoys the games though ;) Sam really likes it, I'm thinking he enjoys it more than Headsprout even, so we may let it take over from that. Frodo did the high temp & headache thing so he wasn't really up for a good deal of reading so we gave it a miss.
Sose.. we watched a documentary dvd called 'The Kimberly: Land of the Wandjina' as a family, I think dh & I enjoyed it more than the kids lol, but they stuck it out with us.
History.. none this week.
Science.. We did read a couple of our solar system books during the week, and the boys are in love with one of the Usborne books (it has lift up flaps, what's not to love?). They spent a bit of time on the couch flipping through it with Frodo reading the captions to Sam & Merry.
ICT.. the boys spent a bit of time on the web, when they were feeling better (thanks to nurofen for sure), navigating web sites, playing games and doing other activities.
There was also a fair bit of lego building, with a lot of intricate designs that were quite impressive. And mum baked yummy things, but booted the sickies out of the kitchen for health & hygiene reasons! Maybe next week boys ;)
Everyone SEEMS much much better, although Frodo still had a headache earlier today, he hasn't complained any this evening! So I have high hopes that we will make it to our Monday art & gymnastics classes tomorrow, which would be nice since we had to miss 2 weeks now.
This coming week, we'll be back to it. I'm not going to try to 'catch up'.. we're just going to move last weeks' plan ahead a week and call it good. I don't think trying to do twice as much in a week will do any of the kids any good, and honestly, being able to take time without pressure when we're sick is a huge bonus of homeschooling!
Sounds like a nice easy week - just what's needed when you're sick! I hope you're all feeling better now.
Thanks Kez, everyone seems to be ok now (niggling cough of recovery going around but all feeling well!)