So I know at least one blogger who's going to make assertions about my mental health being questionable for this... but we have put up our holiday tree! The day before Thanksgiving I just couldnt' resist any more... that will give me 30 days of enjoyment (insanity?) before the big day arrives.
I have a huge soft spot in my heart for my christmas tree ... it was a lifelong tradition of my mama's. The family made a trip to the tree farm and spent ages picking the perfect tree, then step dad spent an absurd amount of time putting the lights on just so, then mama did garlands and bows before we were turned loose to hang our special ornaments on the tree. It was always great... we often strung popcorn too, eating as much as we strung of course lol.
These days, I'm not quite so traditional ;) But I still love my tree. Our tree is rather unusual in that it's black. I saw it last year and HAD to have it... and then ended up having my family emergency and was in the US the entire holiday season and never saw the tree lol. Ah well, there were more important things to tend to! This year I'm making up for lost time..

Frodo and Sam were very excited about the whole thing, as kids always are. We have jewel toned decorations, including things like snowflakes and cut 'crystals' that the boys love. And up high, there is a butterfly for Susan... who was my oldest sons love, and died in the accident they were in this time last year. She had a huge love of butterfly's and had been decorating their tree at home full of them. I saw them at the shop and had to hold back tears as I gave them to hubby to put in the trolley. I never met her, but she was a beautiful girl and I really wanted to do something to remember her.
We used to have a star on top of our tree, then a santa for a few years... this year I found a Faery tree topper and just fell in love with her. She's adorable, and nigh impossible to get a decent photo of it appears *grumble* So here is a slightly blurry one, which is the best I can do!
And last but not least.. one very cozy rat! This is 'Bitty' (his litter mate is, of course, Itty), FINALLY testing out the very comfy pocket hammock we got for the boys. He seemed pretty comfy in there, but being summer here, he won't be getting much use out of it for several months yet. Pardon the extraneous ratty 'raisin' or two in the pic, SOMEONE was being lazy about using the litter box that day apparently LOL.
Hee hee hee. For us, it is mostly a matter of waiting for 2 birthdays to be celebrated before we put up the tree. I suppose a month of sparkly tree isn't too bad... ;)
Love the faery tree topper AND the cozy rat!
December birthdays would suck for that reason! I'd have to decorate the tree twice and make it a birthday tree then a christmas tree LOL
Thankfully, our are quite early - the 3rd and the 7th. They definitely don't interfere with the holiday joy to follow. ;)