
So ages ago I set up a little blog for Frodo, but I'm a slacker and haven't gotten around to showing him now to post... until today!   He's feeling a bit under the weather, I suspect ear infection yet again, so he's not up for much schooly stuff.  However, he loves using the computer so when I suggested I show him how it's done he thought that was a great idea.  

He did a super job writing sentences and only has a couple of spelling errors (he corrected two of them on his own before he hit publish) and was so pleased with himself.  I figured it would make him super excited if a few people happened to wander over and leave a comment ;)   Not that I'd twist anyone's arm or anything *gryn*  (btw.. I showed him how to add the pic and he remembered how to do it after he typed the text,  kids gonna be a  whiz on the blogosphere hehehe)

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6 Responses
  1. Wendy Says:

    I will gladly check out Frodo's blog! Maybe my son will have a comment for him. :D

  2. Wendy Says:

    I went to leave a comment but it won't let me. Hmmm... Maybe the blog doesn't like me? I wanted to tell Frodo that I think building Stonehenge out of Jenga blocks is a very smart idea.

  3. Kez Says:

    It won't let me either :( Great job Frodo!

  4. Caz Says:

    hmm.. will investigate the settings gang. Thanks for visiting him though :D The jenga blocks were his idea.. he didn't want to draw a picture.

  5. Caz Says:

    Ok i got a comment window after tweaking something :D so I think I fixed it. Thanks for the heads up!

  6. Hi there! I just wanted to let you know that I forgot the last template for the glass candleholders, so I added that to the blog this morning.

    Thanks for reading!