
Since I've been home from the US, I've been in such a state of jet lag that it's not funny.  Today is one week I've been home... I swear it's the longest week ever!   Up until early this week I had some pretty rockin vertigo & dizzyness that I suppose is a hangover from the extended air time, but finally that faded completely yesterday.  (nearly a week of woozyness yikes!  I was going to be heading to the doc if it didn't let up by today).  I figured it was time to get out of the house with the boys (because honestly they were driving me nuts! lol) So I went to a local park .. a very local one actually, and one of the boys' favourite hang outs, and met up with some local homeschool mums.   (here's a tiny pic of the lake we spent the day at, the park is just out of the shot on the right, on the far side of the lake.  Just a gorgeous spot!)

There was another boy there who turned out to be 11, but he ran off with Frodo & Sam and they had all sorts of fun.  They went out onto the little jetty and looked at the fish & the ducks (who were very disappointed that the kids weren't there to feed them lol)   and just generally explored around & played.   I think there were 5 of us grown ups there, and 10 or so kids... so not a bad sized crowd for the first time we all met up.  I'm really hoping it turns into a regular thing, as all the other park days & hs activities we try to get to are quite a drive away... and with my car seat prone children, more often than not we end up missing out :(   

It was so nice to get to go chat with other hs'ing mums (and there was even another possible/likely pagan mum there, as I spied a rather particular tattoo ;) about this that & the other.  We talked about school stuff (duh), cats, dogs, our kids interests. OUR interests, In-laws lol.   I'm pretty sure I've forgotten one ladies name, and I probably have someone else's names mixed up lol, but I'll sort that out eventually I spose.   

DH was conveniently sick (he really IS sick though, poor guy) so he kept the Merrymonster home with him, after he made a run to see the doc.  And I picked up his get better drugs on the way home with the boys, who scored a rare treat of nemo juices for being good sports about waiting at the chemist :) 

5 Responses
  1. Kylie Says:

    That's awesome that you have met some locals.

  2. Caz Says:

    :D I KNEW they had to be out there somewhere Kylie lol. And as much as I've enjoyed the activities with you guys over in Logan, you've seen how much trouble I have actually GETTING to many things due to spewy 1,2 and 3!

  3. Todd Says:

    Glad you got to meet some more local homeschoolers. Tell your DH that I wish him to get well asap.

  4. Kylie Says:

    oh I know it can't be fun for any of you...but Ihope you try again sometime soon. :)

  5. Wendy Says:

    I am so glad I found your blog; I'm always searching in what seems like vain for fellow Pagan homeschoolers. Hooray! Looks like I've got some reading to do now.