There are certain things in a childs' life that are definitely rites of passage... the first girl/boyfriend (you know.. the one in kindergarten that you were going to marry?), first day of school (or not if you're us!), first kiss, going to high school.  But way back before any of that... is the first fishing trip with grandpa  :D

A week ago or so Frodo saw a tv fishing show and mentioned he'd like to go fishing.  We passed this along to Grandpa who promptly presented both boys with their own real fishing poles the next weekend when they visited. The boys watched the fishing dvd that came with it numerous times and pretend fished off the veranda daily.   And a trip to the jetty to test out their new gear was planned for the following Saturday.  It rained BUCKETLOADS, so alas, the trip had to wait a day. 

Sunday morning dawned a fine day, with a cloud free sky.  The boys, Grandpa and Dad set off for the jetty at the bay (a whole 5minutes from the Grandparents home) for their very first fishing trip.  The boys were SO excited and had a great time.  They got a bit bored (fishing being the excitement filled activity that it is lol) but they hung in there like troopers.

Here are a couple of pics of Sam casting a line.. he does so love to give a big cheesy grin!  It was a perfect day on the bay.

Mr. Frodo looks very dashing here wearing the sunglasses that Nana got them especially for such occasions.. Aussies have a very high rate of corneal damage from the sun.   And don't they look very sweet sitting side by side fishing?  Rather like a modern day Huck Finn & Tom Sawyer, don't you think?

 The only person that caught anything was Grandpa, who landed a decent sized Flathead, which he kept for tea (dinner for the rest of the world ;)  Sam was VERY upset that Grandpa was not going to put the fish back in the water.   Being the little sweetheart he is, he didn't see any good reason to kill and eat the fish.  

He declared that next time HE would catch a fish and look at it, touch it, then let it go back to it's home.  That's quite alright with me little dude.

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