
So with resettling into a routine etc, we've been pretty slack getting started with actual 'schoolwork'. The kids are chomping at the bit to get started, but I've been preoccupied getting all their paperwork in order for the school of distance ed. that we're working with this year. I'm up to the point of writing up the brief program discription needed by the school.. which is basically a list of resources and other things you plan to do and/or use to achieve the outcomes necessary by the end of the year. Not a big undertaking really.. except for the art outcomes.. haven't worked out wtf I'm doing for those yet! But despite this I'll be getting the year underway tomorrow :D

We have cousin Lynda & her son Xavier up this week as well.. Xav has just started prep and he's going to join us for 'lessons' a couple of days while they're up. Hopefully it doesn't ruin him for school hehehe. He's going to join us for our nature study presentation on thursday which should be tons of fun since it's on BUGS! And the kids get to build their own bug catchers so they can examine assorted creepy crawlies they find in the garden. Big fun :D

My plans for this week are:

Monday, Wednesday, Friday:
Mr 7: Math U see, Handwriting, read his science info and do a worksheet.
Mr4: Counting 1-10 book, Headsprout phonics, 'rice writing'
Together: baking (monday), Painting (wednesday), gardening (friday)

Tuesday: PARK DAY ftw! We'll head out from home around lunch time and probably be there
till 3 or 4pm. In the morning we'll read Mr 7s science stuff for the week and maybe
do one of the worksheets but for the most part Tuesdays are a wash ;)

Thursday: Together: Nature study presentation! I described this above, the kids really
enjoyed the one we had this company put on last term so I'm sure this will be a big hit
as well. Then we'll hang out at the park for a while I'm sure :)

Due to my time away in December, I haven't gotten all our supplies & resources purchased yet so the science, social studies & art are a bit slack yet. But we'll have tonnes of time to catch that up as I get the materials in.

Here are a few piccies of what we have been up to lately! OR not.. one of these days maybe I'll figure this stupid blog out but not tonight.. it stuck my photos up at the top and made a bloody friggin mess of my ENTIRE post *grumble*
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