As any mother would, I moved hell & earth to get on a plane to be there with him. He spent the better part of a month in a coma, with a few very diced moments where we weren't entirely sure he was going to make it through this. I was with him until Jan 2, and he had woken up, acted like he wanted to talk and was responding via giving a thumbs up or sticking out his tongue. It ripped me apart having to leave him... but at least I got to see his first steps towards recovery.
Now, he's said a few short words and is much more alert & aware during his waking hours (although true to form, he's still not much of a morning person ;) and, according to his neurologist, is going to make a good recovery. He has just moved in to Sheperd Center for spinal cord & brain injuries in Atlanta, which is just about the BEST rehab center in the US (they say top 10, but their stats and patient outcomes are second to none). So watch out Georgia... my boy is on the way back.
I did blog while away, but on a caringbridge site that I created to keep family & friends updated on his progress. I plan to TRY to keep both going because I need an outlet for my own ponderings as well as somewhere to talk about what has happened in our family and how it's going.
praying for you and all your family