Fascinating goings on in my life at this very moment? We had a monster thunderstorm last night, it was apparently the worst in over 25yrs. Consequently my back garden is a disaster and my neighbors tree (and part of their fence) are in my other neighbors pool :O (man do I need SMILIES for this blog!) About 100k homes are still without power this morning.. this one is obviously not one of them ;)
Also, in case you live under a rock or something, we are barreling full steam ahead towards the Voldemort of holidays. I have been mildly stressing about having the cash for presents & decorations etc despite Strider (hehe) having a great new job... and then this morning I read in the news about a financial stimulus payment going out to families here. So cross fingers & toes as 3k would be awfully handy to cover Voldemas as well as pad the bank acct during hubbys' company imposed 2 weeks holiday over the season.
Being pagan, it's technically Midsummer coming up, but we will have a tree (solar themed I hope!) and pressies simply because it's FUN and it's a tradition hubby & I grew up with and want our kids to enjoy with our family as well. I'll tweak the foods & decorations to suit the ACTUAL holiday we keep so I have all bases covered lol.
I look forward to blabbing on here about stuff that most likely nobody will ever read, or care about. In case you ARE reading though.. woot!
I'll read your blog if you read mine... lol!
Deal hun ;)
hey! Can't you pop on over to xanga? it's worth the trip! I have decided to keep my bloggin options open and will flip over here to blogger and check out my blogger peeps on a regular basis... i promise!