So morning cartoons filled a bit of time. We left early anyway, as we had to find out their classroom assignments and locate them as well.. not hard to do really since there are only 4 of the major buildings complete on campus yet! We met their teachers, who seem lovely. They are in composite classes.. so Sam is in with grades 2 & 3 and Frodo is in with 4 & 5. Drop off went smoothly, and when Merry & I left, the boys were in their respective classes doing fun little activities chosen to keep them entertained while the teachers met the parents & the rest of the students.
Merry was quite put out about the whole thing... He wants his Sam back! (he told me this through out the day) so he & I went to the shops and got a ham & cheese danish from the baker and Merry got his very own blended iced chocolate ;) He didn't drink half of it... but it was for medicinal purposes.. to wash away his woe and all that. Then we eventually (after MUCH discussion on his part) managed to choose him some new shoes to replace his much loved Diego sneakers, which are sadly no longer available that we can find. He changed his mind several times, and even decided at one point that NONE of them would do *sigh* but I finally got him to accept a pair in the end.
Then we came home.. and it wasn't even 11am yet! The house was quiet... freakishly, unnaturally quiet. Merry wanted his brothers... I sorta did too :( We snuggled on my bed for over an hour just having a cuddle & a chat. I've been informed now that he wishes to go to kindy (preschool) ... what on EARTH am I gonna do with my time if he keeps that up and I actually have to LET him!?!?! ARGH!
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Here's Sam with a big cheesy grin as he finds his name tag and explores the classroom a bit! When I last saw him this morning he was merrily building with some gadgety things :) |
All is quiet here in the Hobbit household now... the boys are all sleeping, tomorrows lunches are made (and particularly epic ones at that... must take a photo & share) and all ready to do it again tomorrow!